Sunday Children’s Ministry

Nursery (0 – 4 years)
Toddlers are dismissed after worship and escorted to the Nursery. Parents of infants can follow us back to sign in their child. First-time parents will need to join us to register their child.

Children’s Church (K – 3rd grade)
Kids are dismissed after worship and escorted upstairs to the children’s church room. First-time parents need to join us upstairs to register their child.

Cry Room is available upstairs for parents that want to watch the sermon but have a separate space for their kids.


Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00pm

Cubbies: 3 – 4 years (and potty trained) / AWANA Cubbies curriculum / In the Nursery

Warriors: K + Up / In the Sanctuary

Truth78 is a mid-week Bible teaching program to help kids learn about God and memorize Bible verses.

See the Calendar for dates!