Love as Life & Life as Communion
Love as Life and Life as Communion. There is a unique consciousness of life that is experienced in love. Love is communion. It is participation in the very existence of another … and this participation, this communion is experienced and understood as really living....
Relentlessly Calculated for Jesus’ Sake
Relentlessly Calculated for Jesus' Sake Jesus sends His own into the world to proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (Matthew 10:7). He sends them out as sheep in the midst of wolves (10:16). Paul, citing Psalm 44:22 states, “For your sake...
How Big is Your Gospel?
How Big is Your Gospel? Most of us know that the Gospel is good-news in the sense that God is reconciling sinners to Himself through the person and work of Jesus Christ. At the very heart of this work is the substitutionary atonement of Jesus. This is to...
A Week at TLC: Reflections on Camp Life and the Mission of the Church
A Week at TLC: Reflections on Camp Life and the Mission of the Church I (and many others) spent the past week serving at TLC (Triumphant Life Camp). TLC has been, and will be, bringing the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to campers ranging...
It Hurts Not to Get Angry
It Hurts Not to Get Angry Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount that we should not get angry. “You have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not commit murder’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ But I say to you that...
Grace: Enabler or Empowerer
Grace: Enabler or Empowerer? The world believes that grace enables. Most of the Church believes that grace enables. The common vein of thought in our culture is that to give a gift to someone who has clearly made poor decisions and choices in life...
The Love of Restoration
The Love of Restoration—Humboldt Junkies Vintage Market There is within the human soul an admiration for restoration. This admiration was on full display this past Friday and Saturday at the Humboldt Junkies Vintage Market. Vendors from all over Humboldt brought...